Sunday, July 26, 2009

Change Hair Color With Photoshop {TUTORIAL}

Change_hair_color_easily80x80 This tutorial will show you how to change the hair color easily with Photoshop. The effect looks natural and beautiful but very easy to achieve!

Step 1: First open the photo you want to make this effect on. In this tutorial I use the photo below:


Get the full size photo here

Before getting started, you should make here skin smoother by going to Filter>Blur>Surface Blur and use these settings:


Step 2: Press D and X to reset and swap your foreground and background colors. Enter the Quick Mask Mode (Q) and use a soft brush to color some parts of her hair


Then exit the Quick Mask mode. Now you can see there are 2 areas: selected area and unselected area as below. The area that we painted on is now turn into unselected area


Step 3: Press Ctrl-Shift-I to invert the selection areas


Step 4: Press Ctrl-J to create a new layer with the selected area duplicated so that we can process it as we want


Step 5: Go to Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation (Ctrl-U) to bring up the Hue/Saturation box, adjust sliders to achieve the color you want



Step 6: We should make it smoother and more natural so go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. This tool makes the edges' hair become smoother


Step 7: Finally change the Blending mode of this layer to Soft Light instead of Normal. It looks cooler a bit!


This is the end of this tutorial. In fact, this is not a new method but it is really cool and impressive! Hope you enjoy this tutorial!

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